Welcome to the business zone


Basic Functions of the Client zone:

  • Ordering medical examinations and trainings – by entering a request in the application, the request for a medical examination or for a training provision (or both) is directed to the Call Centre; no e-mail nor phone communication is necessary;
  • Up-to-date employee database 24 hours a day – the application ClientzZone is the WORK-FLOW system’s user interface through which the Call Centre organizes medical examinations and trainings. After editing any information by the Call Centre, the client immediately sees the current data, including a scheduled medical examination or a training;
  • Record of medical examinations and trainings – scheduled and performed medical examinations and trainings;
  • Export of all data to the MS Office (Excel);

                                   https://stream.teampreventsante.sk/pics/FotkyFoto_28821868_XS.jpg  https://stream.teampreventsante.sk/pics/FotkyFoto_1611705_XS.jpg
  • Option of editing, deleting and inserting new employees into the system;
  • Monitoring of the periodicity of medical examinations and trainings according to given periodicities;
  • Record of documentation in the field of occupational health service, occupational safety and health and fire safety - any documentation related to occupational health service, occupational safety and health, fire protection, including work activities’ categorization, health risk assessment reports, operating schedules, attendance lists and other documentation, may be inserted into the system;
  • Record of individual employees’ documents – it is possible to keep record in the application of the individual documents of each employee, apart from the periodicity of the medical examination and training. For example, a scanned report on the fitness for performance of a specific activity, an OHS and FS training record, or any other evidence of a specialist training;
  • Unlimited access can be created into the system;
  • The Client zone has Slovak and English interfaces;
                                                                       https://stream.teampreventsante.sk/pics/m_002674.jpg https://stream.teampreventsante.sk/pics/m_002757.jpg
  • The Client zone wallboard informs the client about important legislative changes in the field of occupational health service, occupational safety and health and fire safety. It also serves as a tool for publishing regular monthly mailing (informational educational leaflets).


© TeamPrevent Santé s.r.o. 2009-2024
Programmed by Capitol Development